Mobile Digital Key with Biometrics

Enable the Mobile Digital Key with your biometric data.

The Mobile Digital Key is an authentication and signature tool certified by the Portuguese State. It allows users to access public or private portals, public services and sign documents with a single login. To do this you just need to associate a cell phone number to the civil identification number for Portuguese citizens, or the passport or residence permit/card number for foreign citizens.

What is it?

As soon as the Mobile Digital Key with Biometrics is available, a built-in camera on your cell phone can be used to confirm your identity and enroll. You can use your facial image as well as your fingerprints to confirm your identity and authenticate yourself with the Mobile Digital Key. A simpler way to use the Mobile Digital Key.

How will it work?

Your fingerprints or facial image are taken and matched with the ones on your citizen card. Public services will be with you all the way on your cell phone or computer, in a simple and secure way.


  • Access Finance, Social Security, National Health Service, banks, and other services in a simpler way, all without a card reader or citizen card PIN code
  • Easily sign public contracts, promissory contracts, car sales declarations, municipal assembly minutes, or other documents
  • Acquire the Covid-19 digital certificate, criminal record certificate or make school enrollment simpler
  • Adhere and access the Mobile Digital Key with ease

In the meantime, have you already activated your Mobile Digital Key?


Coordinating entity:

Logótipo da Agência para a Modernização Administrativa

Números entidades envolvidas:

Ministério da Modernização do Estado e da Administração Pública (MMEAP)


Digitalization of the 25 public services

Access online public services simply and intuitively.

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