What are the ZLTs?
They are a "safe space" in which companies can test innovative products, services, business models, and delivery mechanisms without immediately incurring all the normal regulatory consequences related to the activity in question.
They are intended to allow TESTING and EXPERIMENTATION in a real or near real way, with direct and permanent control by the competent regulatory authorities, particularly in terms of testing, provision of information, guidelines and recommendations, corresponding to the concept of regulatory sandboxes.
Portugal thus joins a small group of countries that have created similar regimes: Australia, Canada, India, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
Promoting PORTUGAL'S POSITIONING in R&D activities and national participation in international projects
Attract INNOVATIVE PROJECTS and foreign investment in emerging technologies
Promote a CULTURE OF EXPERIMENTATION designed to ensure the sustainability of technological development
- New products and processes: development and/or implementation of technologies, products, innovative services and technology-based processes that otherwise could not be tested given the applicable legal framework (especially of a regulatory nature).
- New knowledge: essential and effective contribution to the development of industry and R&D institutions by accelerating the promotion of development and testing processes and the creation of knowledge and intellectual property.
The goal is to take advantage of all the opportunities brought by new technologies, namely:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain
- Bio and nanotechnology
- 3D printing
- Virtual Reality
- Robotics
- Internet of Things
- Big Data
- 5G Network
ANI is the Testing Authority and is responsible for:
- Management of the ZLT network
- Approval of the creation of new ZLTs and regulations
- Support, supervision, and monitoring of testing in innovation programs
- Reception of requests for legislative or regulatory review
The Regulatory Entities have a key role in supporting the creation of the specific regulations for each LRZ and in monitoring them.
The Regulatory Entities are:
- Infarmed
Learn about the governance model for promoting technology-based innovation through the creation of Technology Free Zones.
Access the Diploma.
Learn how to create a ZLT

The call for interest for the creation of technological free zones will be open continuously. Entities wishing to start the process of creating a technological free zone should express their interest through the ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação website.
Support network for the digital transformation of Portuguese SMEs and Public Administration.
Increase the number of new product pilots and maximize their commercialization potential.