How does Portugal compare with the EU?
Did you know that the Economy and Society Digitality Index is one of the main methods of comparing European Union countries’ levels of digital transition?
Portugal currently ranks 16th and performs above the EU27 average in the indicators below.
Overall fixed BB take-up
Last update: 202115,5%
e-Commerce turnover
Last update: 202121,8%
Female ICT specialists
Last update: 202185,5%
ICT for environmental sustainability
Last update: 202184,8
Digital public services for citizens
Last update: 202185,8
Digital public services for businesses
Last update: 2021Source: Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
How has digital transition evolved in Portugal?
Did you know that most indicators used to monitor the digital transition are collected by the National Statistics Institute?
In addition to the percentage of specialists in information technology, the number of small and medium-sized companies selling online, and the use of digital public services, Portugal has also evolved a lot in other indicators such as the elementary level of digital skills, broadband access, and graduates in information technology.
Employed ICT specialists
Last update: 202034%
Cloud computing services
Last update: 202045%
Individuals who used the internet for interaction with public authorities
Last update: 202067%
Individuals' level of digital skills
Last update: 201982%
Households with broadband access
Last update: 20202%
Distribution of graduates at education level and programme orientation by sex and field of education
Last update: 2019Source: Serviço de Estatística da União Europeia (Eurostat)
Os resultados já alcançados
O programa Upskill já está na 2ª edição e já chegou a mais de 9 mil candidatos. Foram criados 17 Digital Innovation Hubs que vão prestar serviços de transição digital a pelo menos 4.000 empresas. Foi lançada a Estratégia Cloud da Administração Pública (AP) e mais de 40% da AP já adquiriu serviços de computação em nuvem.
Estes são apenas alguns exemplos de resultados já alcançados com a implementação do Plano de Ação para a Transição Digital.
Number of applicants for UPskill, digital skills reskiling program
Last update: 20224,5
Average number of students per computer with internet connection
Last update: 202217
Number of DIH created to promote the digital transition of SMEs and Public Administration
Last update: 20224.923
Number of jobs to be created by the applications approved on +Co3so Digital
Last update: 202241%
% of AP bodies that purchased cloud computing services
Last update: 202210.922.399
Number of authentications with the Digital Mobile Key
Last update: 2022Source: AMA, APDC, DGEEC, EMPD, Eurostat e PVI