Qualified and Creative

Support for SMEs to foster entrepreneurship in Portugal.

Reimbursable incentive, between 35 and 75%, aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) created less than two years ago, to reinforce the qualified and creative entrepreneurship levels.

At the moment application for this program is closed.
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The Qualified and Creative Entrepreneurship aims to:

Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde


Reinforce qualified and creative entrepreneurship levels (including technology-based entrepreneurship))
Encourage new business opportunities, particularly in creative and innovative fields and the creation of more companies in high and medium-high technology sectors by supporting the acquisition of assets, contracting services from third parties, land registry execution, and Human Resources training.

Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde


Include cultural and creative industry activities
In which creativity, intellectual property, and cultural knowledge are used to produce internationally tradable goods and services with social and cultural significance.

More information on how to access this incentive:

  • Financing has a hybrid format: a non-refundable and a refundable component. The refundable component is granted under the incentive system, and the refundable component is granted through a bank loan, not entailing the payment of interest or other fees.
  • Support is given to activities with high added value, i.e.: creation of companies with qualified human resources, companies that develop activities in sectors with strong growth dynamics and or sectors with higher technology and knowledge intensity, or companies that value the application of R&D – Research and Development results in the production of new goods and services.
  • Individual projects of Qualified and Creative Entrepreneurship, resulting in the creation of a new establishment (no. 49 of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of June 16) are eligible for support, in the following typologies:
  • Creation of companies that operate in sectors with strong growth dynamics, including those integrated in creative and cultural industries, and or sectors with higher technology and knowledge intensity.
  • Creation of companies that value R&D results in the production of new goods and services.

The incentive is available to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of any nature and under any legal form that have been established for less than two years.

The base rate can be increased by various surcharges up to a maximum value of 75%. 

Portugal 2020 

The latest notice for this measure was No. 09/SI/2020 SI Entrepreneurship Qualified and Creative, which you can consult for future application purposes, with the possibility of future notices being published with changes.

Source: Information adapted from the Competitiveness Portal and the Financing Portal.  
This content has been adapted and summarized. For more information consult the regulations, notices and other information provided by the incentive’s managing entities.


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