Digital statistics
Portugal performs above the EU27 average in terms of high-speed broadband adoption, e-commerce in small and medium-sized companies and women specialists in information technology:
Overall fixed BB take-up
Last update: 202115,5%
e-Commerce turnover
Last update: 202121,8%
Female ICT specialists
Last update: 2021Source: Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
Portugal has evolved significantly in several areas, such as number of information technologies specialists, online sales by small and medium-sized companies and the use of digital public services:
Employed ICT specialists
Last update: 202034%
Cloud computing services
Last update: 202045%
Individuals who used the internet for interaction with public authorities
Last update: 2020Source: Serviço de Estatística da União Europeia (Eurostat)
With the implementation of the Action Plan for the Digital Transition, results that will impact people, companies and the State have already been achieved:
Number of applicants for UPskill, digital skills reskiling program
Last update: 202217
Number of DIH created to promote the digital transition of SMEs and Public Administration
Last update: 202241%
% of AP bodies that purchased cloud computing services
Last update: 2022Source: AMA, APDC, DGEEC, EMPD, Eurostat e PVI