Industrial Property incentive programs

Support for industrial property rights stemming from R&D projects.

Non-refundable funding for companies and projects that, as a result of supported R&D projects, wish to file industrial property rights as patents, utility models, designs or models (national, European and international). 

Funds expenses for obtaining and validating patent applications, utility models, designs or models. 


Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde


Contribute to increasing business investment in R&D.

Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde


Strengthen the connection between companies and other entities of the R&D system.

Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde


Promote knowledge intensive economic activities.

Ilustração em formato redonda em tom verde


Fostering innovation-based value creation.

More information on how to access this incentive

Costs of obtaining and validating patent applications, utility models, designs, as well as related fees, charges and other expenses.

Enterprises of any nature and under any legal form.

  • Have an application date prior to the start of operations and cannot include expenses prior to the application date (with a few exceptions).
  • Fit into the priority areas of the research and innovation strategy for smart specialization.
  • Prove that the funding sources are secured.
  • Prove the viability and economic and financial sustainability of the company.
  • Submit a detailed and well-founded technical characterization and budget, with a cost structure appropriate to the objectives pursued, and ensure its adequate budgetary control.
  • Begin execution of the project no later than six months after communication of the funding decision.
  • Prove the incentive effect, according to the set of criteria established for this type of projects.
  • Complement R&D projects funded under the present regulation or R&D projects funded under the NSRF, if in the latter it is shown that there are no previous expenses with patent registration that could configure the beginning of the work.
  • A maximum duration of 36 months. 

Non-refundable (maximum rate 50%). 


  • For non-small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) eligible expenses are supported in full under minimis.
  • NUTS II Lisbon Region: Maximum rate of 40%.

Source: Information adapted from the Competitiveness Portal and the Financing Portal 
This content has been adapted and summarized. For more information consult the regulations, notices and other information provided by the incentive’s managing entities.


Productive Innovation ​

Line of support for the companies’ production systems

Individual R&D

Support for industrial research and experimental development activities

R&D Cores

Support to create or reinforce the skills of dedicated R&D structures.

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