National Data Strategy 


The National Data Strategy is intrinsically related to its European counterpart, the European Data Strategy, whose goal is to create a single European data space – a true single data market, open to data from around the world – in which personal and non-personal data, including sensitive business data, is secure, and businesses have easy access to an almost infinite amount of high-quality industrial data that drives growth and creates value while also minimizing the human carbon and environmental footprint.

Goals in Portugal

The National Data Strategy’s aim is to ensure that Portugal is one of the pioneering countries participating in the European data ecosystem, thus enhancing its value, creating new services and products both in Portugal and beyond its borders. 

National Data Strategy Vision

The National Data Strategy will provide continuity and strengthen national open data initiatives and the re-use of public sector information, whose general principles are approved in Law No. 68/2021 (already rectified by Rectification Declaration No. 31/2021), which in turn transposes into national law Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of 20 June 2019.

This aspect of the strategy has been embodied by the open data initiative promoted by the Agency for Administrative Modernization, IP (AMA), through the portal that already provides a wide range of data from various public agencies that can be openly accessed, with a clear aim to be an engine for economic, societal and environmental development.

If the previous aspect circulates data from the Public Administration between public bodies and from them to private bodies, the same may happen in reverse, improving public policies supported by evidence, public transportation systems, cleaner cities, and many other opportunities.

However, this strategy will have to go further by bringing together diverse actors, including public actors, science actors, economic actors and citizens, in a single national and European ecosystem, enabling an infinite number of relationships aimed at increasing the availability and quality of data, not just open data.

Also relevant are the interactions or bridges that this strategy must have with other strategies or technological initiatives yet to be defined or already underway, such as the Public Administration Interoperability initiative embodied in the iAP platform, which seeks to provide an easy and seamless method for providing cross-cutting electronic services, thus becoming a key part of the State’s administrative modernization process and already widely used by private entities. The iAP provides online services and their respective management, secure communication between information systems, online payments and services for sending and receiving messages, among other features that benefit various economic sectors in an approach that maximizes interoperability. The level of interoperability within each economic sector and between sectors will satisfy an increasingly sophisticated demand, creating the basis for the development of high value products and services.

  • Accommodation of European data policies in order to ensure the necessary legal certainty to accelerate data economy, creation of local policies and development of a cross-cutting governance structure for data access and usage within each sector and cross-sector;
  • Infrastructure investments and establishment of data processing services in the country aligned with the plan and opportunities of the European investment framework;
  • Solid skill development in life cycle management and data processing services;
  • Creation of data and service micro-ecosystems (common data spaces) in strategic sectors and domains of public interest, which combine in a national macro-ecosystem with global scalability.

Ongoing Plan

The National Data Strategy and corresponding action plan will be completed in 2022.

Public Administration Open Data Portal


Coordinating entity:

Logótipo INCoDe.2030

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