More Digital Youth

Training opportunities for the unemployed youth.

What is it?

Training opportunities, lasting up to 350 hours, in person and/or distance learning, in areas such as programming languages, cybersecurity, social network management, and data analysis, to name just a few.

For whom?

Young unemployed people between the ages of 10 and 35 that are signed up in the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP).

How to access More Digital Youth:

  • Secondary or higher qualification, or
  • Has not completed the last year of the secondary education cycle, or
  • In the process of recognition, validation, and certification of skills (RVCC) process at the secondary education level

Social support is available during training.


  • Increase youth employability in digital fields
  • Have training tailored to market needs
  • Increase the youth’s qualification level
  • Boosting (re)entry into the labor market

Digital training tailored to everyone: yours and businesses. Do you accept the challenge?


Entities involved:

Training entities of the National Qualifications System

This program competes for INCODE.2030. A nation-level initiative that aims to improve the digital skills of all Portuguese people, investing in digital inclusion and literacy, preparing new generations, qualifying the active population, and in advanced and specialized training of senior management and research. Find out more at INCoDe.2030

Prazo de Execução


Find out more

Portugal Digital Academy

The Portugal Digital Academy will open its doors in March 2022 so that all citizens can improve their digital skills regardless of age. We want to empower the Portuguese people towards a more digital nation.


Professional requalification program for digital technologies, featuring intensive training followed by integration in the labor market.

More Digital Employment

Free digital training for company employees to achieve their future today, aiming to make companies more digital, more competitive, more productive, and more efficient.

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