Promoting gender equality by deconstructing IT stereotypes and promoting equal opportunities for all.
What is it?
This ambitious goal stems from the desire to reduce the gender gap in digital fields. Nowadays digital skills are essential for everyone to exercise their rights and duties on a daily basis and also ensure greater employability and access to higher incomes. Digital skills are for everyone and all should benefit from the opportunities created during their school life, lifelong learning, or in the job market.
Thus, it is intended:
- Overcoming stereotypes, because everyone can and should use digital tools
- Desenvolver iniciativas que despertem nas raparigas o gosto por prosseguir estudos na área digital
- Promote access to digital skills training for women
- Bringing more women into digital professions
- Promoting gender equality
- Equal opportunities regardless of gender, such as equal pay and career
- Balanced participation between men and women
- A study released in March 2020 by the European Commission shows that by 2050 greater gender equality could lead to a 6.1% increase in GDP per capita in the European Union
Para quem?
- Cidadãos com 18 ou mais anos
- Consideram-se públicos prioritários: desempregados inscritos no Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP), sem nível básico de proficiência digital, e jovens
Get to know the Engineers for a Day project and join in!
Join the Portuguese Women in Tech community.
This program competes for INCODE.2030. A nation-level initiative that aims to improve the digital skills of all Portuguese people, investing in digital inclusion and literacy, preparing new generations, qualifying the active population, and in advanced and specialized training of senior management and research. Find out more at INCoDe.2030
Explore também
Get Portugal on par with the most advanced European countries in terms of digital skills, within a time frame extending to 2030.