What is it?
The Testbed concept aims to provide infrastructure and equipment through entities that have the ability to provide these services to SMEs and startups. Such services include testing and experimentation with innovative products and services, in physical or virtual spaces, for SMEs and startups.
Testbeds aim to increase the number of commercially viable product pilots, shortening their innovation cycle, particularly in the transition from laboratory validation (technological readiness level: TRL 4) to the commercialization phase (TRL 9 level).
The PRR has set aside 150M€ for companies to establish Testbeds in its "National Network of Testbeds" initiative, in order to provide these services to SMEs and startups.
In the scope of the PRR Testbeds are defined as "innovation hubs operating in collaboration with the companies in charge of their operation and the enterprises and startups to whom they provide services relating to experimenting and testing new products and/or services that are capable of reaching Technology Readiness Level (TRL) between 5 and 91, with a strong digital component and/or associated virtual/digital simulation, in order to accelerate their production, industrialization and commercialization. These services are mainly intended for SMEs and startups, through the provision of infrastructure and technological capacity, aimed to create the necessary conditions for participating companies to develop as well as test new products and services and to accelerate the process of digital transition, either via a physical or virtual space".
Testbeds, as tools for accelerating digital transition by providing testing and experimentation services linked to digital technologies, can be tied in with other initiatives we are developing in this area:
Tender Opening Notice – National Testbed Network
Project applications for the National Network of Testbeds initiative
PRR-C16, National Testbed Network | Concept Draft
Testbed concept and operationalization.
C16 Incentives Regulation
Executive order approving the regulation of the incentive system "Companies 4.0
Session - National Testbed Network Announcement | May 3, 2022
Coordinating Entities:

Entities Involved:


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Pólos de Inovação Digital - DIH
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